domingo, 26 de outubro de 2008

Damo-nos tão bem um com o outro

Na companhia de tudo

Que nunca pensamos um no outro,

Mas vivemos juntos os dois

Com um acordo íntimo

Como a mão direita e a esquerda.


Depois ele adormece e eu deito-o.

Levo-o ao colo para dentro de casa

E deito-o, despindo-o lentamente

E como seguindo um ritual muito limpo

E todo materno até ele estar nu.

Ele dorme dentro da minha alma

E às vezes acorda de noite

E brinca com os meus sonhos.

Vira uns de pernas para o ar,

Põe uns em cima dos outros

E bate palmas sozinho

Sorrindo para o meu sono.

In poema do menino jesus, Alberto Caeiro

quinta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2008

Touch your lips just so I know
In your eyes, love, it glows so
I’m bare boned and crazy for you
When you come crash
Into me, baby
And I come into you

Hike up your skirt a little more
And show the world to me
Hike up your skirt a little more
And show your world to me
Oh I watch you there
Through the window
And I stare at you
You wear nothing but

You wear it so well
Tied up and twisted
The way I'd like to be

For you, for me, come crash
Into me

In Crash into Me, Dave Matthews Band

It's Raining Men! Hallelujah!

It's Raining Men! Amen!

I'm gonna go out to run and let myself get

Absolutely soaking wet!

It's Raining Men! Hallelujah!

It's Raining Men! Every Specimen!

Tall, blonde, dark and lean

Rough and tough and strong and mean

God bless Mother Nature, she's a single woman too

She took off to heaven and she did what she had to do

She taught every angel to rearrange the sky

So that each and every woman could find her perfect guy

In It's raining man, The Weather Girls

(just fightin')

If my man was fighting
Some unholy war
I would be behind him
Straight shook up beside him
With strength he didn't know
It's you I'm fighting for
He can't lose with me in tow
I refuse to let him go
At his side and drunk on pride
We wait for the blow

We put it in writing
But who you writing for
Just us on kitchen floor
Justice done,
Reciting my stomach standing still
Like you're reading my will
He still stands in spite of what his scars say
I'll battle till this bitter finale
Just me, my dignity and this guitar case

In Some Unholy War, Amy Winehouse

terça-feira, 21 de outubro de 2008


There's a kind of hush

All over the world tonight

All over the world

You can hear the sound of lovers in love

You know what I mean

Just the two of us

And nobody else in sight

There's nobody else and I'm feelin good

Just holding you tight

In There’s a Kind Of Hush Tonight, The Carpenters

quarta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2008

I resigned from myself
Took a break as someone else
It's like we've come undone
But I've only just become inflatable for you

In Inflatable, Bush

sexta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2008

"idealizamos o que vemos
o que realmente somos, eu não sei
devemos todos falar menos
comunicamos sem sabermos bem

sentimento vem de tempo
não há hora certa não
e o momento mais intenso
é quando tu me dás a mão

vou embora fazer história
porque eu também brilho
sem demora é agora
vou levar-te comigo"
In Brilho, Expensive Soul